Again on the Casey Anthony trial: I find this amazing and shocking, and I believe that it should be shocking, whatever one thinks of the outcome of the trial. Innocent or guilty, Anthony was entitled to a fair trial. She was entitled to have the prosecution follow the rules that are necessary for a fair trial.
Yet according to a software engineer who worked with the prosecution, it did not. Prosecutors tried to convince the jury that Anthony murdered her child with chloroform and in support of this theory presented evidence that she visited a website about chloroform 84 times. Yet the software engineer who so testified now says that he learned during the trial that his earlier conclusion was in error and that Anthony had visited that site only once (and also that it was an innocent-seeming site with historical information regarding chloroform in the 1800s). He says that he promptly notified the prosecutors and Florida law enforcement agents. Yet the jury was never informed of this potentially important information.
UPDATE: It's getting more confusing. That software engineer, John Bradley, now asserts that he never accused Florida authorities of any impropriety. Yet he seems not to be retracting his factual assertion, which he had made on his own website, that he notified those authorities that Casey searched for "chloroform" just once, not 84 times as the jury was told. He has, however, taken the assertions off the website.
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